If you’re looking for ways to reduce your vehicle costs, a great place to start is car maintenance. A lot of car maintenance requires a moderate upfront investment, but the increased life you’ll get from your vehicle more than pays for the cost over time. Every system in your vehicle may need maintenance at some point, but we’ll cover just a few of the basic car maintenance services you should focus on to extend the life of your vehicle.
The oil change
No car maintenance procedure is as simple, inexpensive and important as the oil change. Your vehicle’s engine contains hundreds of moving parts that are subjected to high speeds and intense heat for hours at a time. Motor oil acts as a lubricant between moving parts to decrease friction and preserve the integrity of the engine components. Regular oil changes are inexpensive — usually no more than $20 — and can cost even less if you change the oil yourself. The money you put into regular oil changes will be returned hundreds of times in terms of your vehicle’s longevity.
The tune-up
The term “tune-up” has changed a lot over the years, and now refers to a general overview of your vehicle’s filters, hoses, belts, spark plugs and other components that are prone to wear and tear. Tune-ups not only save you money over time by extending your vehicle’s life, but they also can reduce costs in the short term by increasing fuel efficiency.
The timing belt
Your vehicle’s timing belt is a very important component. It controls the opening and closing of the valves in your engine. Vehicle manufacturers have different recommendations as to when the belt should be replaced, but most will last around 60,000 to 100,000 miles. Replacing the timing belt is a costly maintenance procedure, but if the timing belt fails, it can result in even more expensive (and sometimes irreparable) damage to your vehicle’s engine.
For a more complete car maintenance guide, check out your vehicle’s owner’s manual or talk to your mechanic. And if you’re looking for other ways to save on vehicle costs, consider shopping around for car insurance providers. If you haven’t compared prices in a while, you could be paying more than you should. Collect car insurance quotes from a few providers and compare them based on coverage options and the cost of the policies.
Note: Sponsored content was created and provided by Nationwide Insurance andAuto Super Shoppe (NZ)