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  • josh elledge savingsangel podcast

    204 – My best savings advice for the new year – Tips for parents with teens + More!

    Podcast #204 – My best savings advice for the new year. 204 – My best savings advice for the new year – Tips for parents with teens – Valentine’s Day – Earn more with Uber Eats. In order to help you save more, earn more and live more abundantly on today’s show I’ll be covering…
    – The best ways to save on groceries in 2018
    – Hot Valentine’s date? has you covered
    – How to get teens prepared for life on their own
    – Earn extra money with Uber Eats


  • The best ways to save on groceries in 2018

    Consumers have noticed over recent years that fewer and fewer newspaper coupons are for food. The lack of food coupons is such a source of frustration for families that many have abandoned couponing altogether. But I’m here to encourage you to come back to using them this year with some of the best ways to save on groceries in 2018. More

  • Ways to save money in the New Year

    It’s a new year, and, as always we like to find ways you can kick off the year with new ways to save money. With shoppers spending an average of $967.13 this recent holiday season, up 3.4 percent from last year, January is the perfect time to find ways to save money and start paying off holiday bills. More

  • 13 fun and inexpensive ways to crush boredom

    Following the whirlwind of the holidays, there can be a bit of a let-down. Suddenly, there is less to do. And even though adults look forward to the slower pace, kids can get bored. So here are 13 fun and inexpensive ways to crush boredom. More

  • How to keep the giving spirit alive

    Throughout the holiday season, we’re offered countless chances to give. We’re reminded by mailers, bell ringers, requests from non-profits, and more.But once the lights are down and the ornaments are packed away, it can be easy to forget that organizations continue to need our help, especially going into the cold winter months. Here are some suggestions on how to keep the giving spirit alive after the holidays. More

  • Fun things to do during the holidays

    The kids are off from school and you likely have plans for the days right around Christmas but what about just before and just after? Taking the time to slow down a bit and fit in some fun can make all the difference between a stressful and a sparkling holiday season. Here are 12 fun things to do during the holidays. More