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  • How to store, refresh and re-purpose foods to save big money

    When food items have gone stale, limp, or have otherwise become unpalatable, we tend to just throw them away. And if food is not stored properly, this can happen rather quickly. Stop this loss by knowing how to store, refresh and re-purpose foods to save big money. More

  • SmartSmart

    How to Stop Wasting Time

    Leisurely activities have their place, but if they’re keeping you from being productive in your daily life, you can put a few habits in place to keep them from taking over your life. Here’s how to stop wasting time. More

  • josh elledge savingsangel podcast

    220 – Ways You Can Prepare For Disasters

    In my latest SavingsAngel podcast I’ll be chatting with you about Disaster preparedness – How I read 7 books during my regular routine using Blinkist – Making great memories with the help of Vivid Seats. More

  • How To Make Great Memories With The Help Of Vivid Seats

    Some of our most memorable experiences in life take place in a stadium or in a theater. But the prices of tickets can sometimes prevent us from making those memories and shaping our experiences. However, makes it easier and more affordable than ever before. More

  • How to shop school needs and save the most money

    It’s back to school time all over the country – and, in fact, some areas have already gone back. Even if your kids have started back, chances are, you’ve not bought everything yet. So let me share with you how to shop school needs and save the most money. More

  • 7 Secrets to Successful Thrift Store Shopping

    Thrift stores can be a great source of inexpensive and one-of-a-kind items, from clothing to furniture to home decor. Unfortunately, many people have difficulty sorting through the trash to find treasures. With a few hints and tips, though, you can find success as a thrift store shopper. More

  • Fundamental Skills to Easily Save Money

    In today’s modern society, we often depend on others to make or do things for us that our ancestors would have done themselves. While this is convenient, it always comes with a higher price tag. If you have the time and the patience, learning some basic skills can save you a lot of money. More

  • Your Tax-Free Weekend Is Coming Up Floridians

    Get The Lowdown On Back To School Savings – Floridians have 2 times a year when they can save big during tax-free weekends. One is during Hurricane season (not my favorite) and the other is coming up now, our back to school tax-free weekend. This year the fun begins Friday, August 3, 2018, and runs through Sunday, August 5, 2018. More