Slow Down the Joy

Christmas Morning ExcitementDoes the rapid-fire destruction of wrapping paper steal your Christmas joy each year?

After all the love and thought you put into buying the perfect gifts… carefully wrapping them… secretly stowing them away”¦ You want to see each item opened; to experience that first split second of realization… You hope for a pleasant squeal, a triumphant shout, a happy scream. And you want to capture them to remember year after year. If this sounds like a beautiful dream, try something new:

(1) Take turns and each open only one gift at a time. This takes a while, but is worth it. You will actually see what each person got. If little ones getting restless is a concern ““ let them open a toy first. Take a few minutes to get it out of the package and give it to them to play with while others take their turns.

(2) Enforce the camera rule. Place a special mark on gifts you wants pics of the receiver opening ““ and insist that those items are opened only when the camera is ready and aimed. That way, you won't miss that spectacular shot you dreamt of when you selected the gift.

(3) Break it up. If your family gives both stockings and under-the-tree presents ““ don't do them back to back. Open stockings and then take a break for a family breakfast. Come back afterward to enjoy the “˜bigger' presents. (Or, if you can't wait to get to the tree gifts, do it the other way around.)

(4) Don't let Grandma breathe down your neck. Okay, that sounds almost rude ““ but the clock is your enemy in slowing down. Someone is always expecting you by such-and-such a time. If seeing family on Christmas is an important tradition, don't abandon it. Just change how you handle it: bring special gifts with you ““ rather than hurrying through them; open “smaller” gifts on Christmas Eve; even discuss pushing your traditional get-together time to later in the day. (Chances are, others feel the same rush and will be relieved you suggested a change.)

(5) Get right to the good stuff. The tendency is to “˜save the best for last' ““ but in gift-giving, this is counter-productive. Every good boy and girl knows their most-hoped-for package size and shape ““ and they are eyeing it the whole time. If you keep insisting other gifts get opened first, they may scarcely notice them. Their heart is elsewhere. So go right to the one they want ““ and save the others for later in the day. Then, while they are whooping it up with their new fav thing ““ you can relax and savor the morning.

Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


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