When gas prices jump, are you one who rushes to beat the increase? Fighting snowy roads, traffic, and lines at the gas station is worth it. Assured of higher gas prices later, you’re willing to put forth the effort.
But are you also the one who won’t clip coupons for your shopping trip? Maybe to you, clipping and stocking up is too much work, takes too much time, and yields too little results. Yeah, you know where we’re going. Let’s compare the two…
First, let’s examine your run to the gas station: your reason, and your results”¦
The reason for running out to beat a gas-price jump is obvious. Not fueling up would cost you more later, for something you know you’ll need and use.
Now, if on “E”, the tank of an average-size car holds approximately 15 gallons of gasoline. Using this average, and beating a price increase of 30 cents per gallon, your net savings would be $4.50 for your trouble. Not too shabby. Time it took you? Maybe 10 minutes, start to finish. You “paid yourself” an amazing wage ““ that’s like getting $27 an hour.
Now, let’s examine an example grocery deal, the reason to buy with a coupon, and the net savings”¦
Let’s say a store is offering laundry soap on sale for $3.49. But with an available $2 coupon, it would only be $1.49. The reason to buy is as obvious as running to fuel up. Why on earth would you pay over double later, for something you know you’ll need and use?
Your net savings, for one bottle, $2. Again, not shabby. Time it took you to locate, clip and redeem that coupon? Maybe 3 minutes. Now you’ve “paid yourself” an unbelievable wage of $40 an hour. And if you had 2 coupons, an astounding $80 an hour! And what if you had coupons for several, if not nearly all, the items in your cart? Mind blowing.
To wrap up”¦
Gas prices jump occasionally. You shop every week.
Now the hard question: Why are you willing to drop everything and rush to save a few dollars on gas, but not willing to put the effort into making coupons a part of your shopping routine? Imagine if you channeled that dedication to save on gas into your shopping trip every single week, week after week, month after month…