Meijer has 190 stores in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Michigan
Meijer Coupon Policy
Meijer accepts manufacturer, Catalina manufacturer, Meijer, Catalina Meijer, mPerks, internet, and competitor coupons within certain guidelines.
“¢Coupons must be presented on or before the expiration date
“¢All coupon terms and conditions must be met and validated by the checkout register
“¢Customers may use up to one manufacturer/Catalina manufacturer coupon with one Meijer/Catalina Meijer coupon per item
“¢Two coupons of the same type may not be used toward the purchase of a single item
“¢mPerks offers cannot be combined with paper coupons (manufacturer or Meijer) toward the purchase of a single item
“¢Transactions cannot be broken up to avoid coupon stacking restrictions
“¢Separate checklanes will not be opened or designated for customers with large coupon orders
“¢Manufacturer coupons and Catalina manufacturer coupons require the Customer to pay sales tax on the full retail amount
“¢Meijer, Catalina Meijer, and competitor coupons require the Customer to pay sales tax only on the discounted price
“¢Meijer will accept coupons from major competitors in each store’s trading area, for Grocery and or for Health and Beauty Care items
“¢Meijer will accept coupons from major competitors in each store’s trading area for General Merchandise items only if the competitor’s price point is included. The item must be the identical item on the coupon for the match to occur.
“¢Meijer does not accept competitor coupons for beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, double and triple coupons, clearance, percent off, total trans- action discounts, special promotions, gift card promotions, limited quantity items, mail-in rebate offers, and going out of business sales
“¢Meijer reserves the right to limit coupon quantities and to determine the order of application of multiple coupons and/or promotions
Here is a link to the Meijer site that shows their most current coupon policy:
Updated 4/16/12
Meijer Internet Coupon Policy
Thank you for writing and asking about Internet coupons.
Meijer does accept all legitimate internet coupons. These coupons must be presented before or on their expiration date.
Coupons may be rejected by our system, especially those include for free products or coupons that do not have a UPC code printed on them.
If you have specific questions about whether or not an internet coupon will be accepted, please bring your actual printed Internet coupon into the store. We will review it at the cashier lane or the Customer Service desk, which is open from 7:00AM to 11:00PM daily.
Best Wishes,
Updated 1/25/11
Meijer Double Coupon Policy
DETROIT AREA STORES ONLYYou can get double coupon savings at Meijer. Bring in your manufacturers ’50¢ off’ or less coupons and get double the savings. Items must be purchased in sizes and quantities specified. One coupon per item. Limit of two identical coupons will double. Additional coupons for identical items will be redeemed at face value. (Not to include retailer, alcohol, cigarette/tobacco products, Meijer Custom Coupons, free or coupons exceeding the item value.)
There are coupons that are DND (Do Not Double). Even though they appear to be eligible to double – they aren’t.
CINCINNATI AREA STORES ONLYYou can get double coupon savings at Meijer. Bring in your manufacturers ’50¢ off’ or less coupons and get double the savings. Manufacturers coupons over ’50¢’, but less than $1 will be redeemed at $1. Items must be purchased in sizes and quantities specified. One coupon per item. Limit of two identical coupons will double. Additional coupons for identical items will be redeemed at face value. (Not to include retailer, alcohol, cigarette/tobacco products, Meijer Custom Coupons, free or coupons exceeding the item value.)
There are coupons that are DND (Do Not Double). Even though they appear to be eligible to double – they aren’t.
Illinoisdoes not double.
Indianadoubles up to .50 and has a Limit 2 identical coupon policy.
Kentuckydoublesup to .50 and has a Limit 2 identical coupon policy.
This may not apply to all stores in the state.