Harding’s Coupon Policy

Harding’s Friendly Markets has approximately 26 stores in Southwest Michigan

Harding’s Coupon Policy


Harding’s does not currently have a coupon policy available. If we are able to get one, we will post it here.

Note: Even though we have not been able to find Harding’s Coupon Policy online, note that Harding’s is a Spartan store and the other Spartan store coupon policies we’ve found are identical.

D&W Coupon Policy

Family Fare Coupon Policy

Glen’s Coupon Policy

updated 7/31/11



Harding’s Printable Coupon Policy


It is corporate policy for Hardings Stores to follow the guidelines below, but they are owned by individuals and you may find some differences from store to store.

Hardings will accept valid online printable coupons up to $5 in value. The expiration date must be within the next 2 months and no more than 3 coupons for the same product.

They will not accept coupons:
For free products
Valued more than $5
With an expiration date more than 2 months or non at all
More than 3 coupons for the same product.


Updated 7/31/11
Check Coupon Policies for other stores:


Glen’s Markets Coupon Policy

HyVee Coupon Policy