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  • 5 Practical Secrets to Landing Your Dream Job

    In today’s competitive economy, landing your dream job can seem like just that – a dream. However, if you are diligent in using the tools available to you to showcase your talents and communicate your willingness to serve, you can stand out from the crowd. More

  • 4 Ways to Save Money with Store Brands

    Name brand products are heavily advertised, so it’s no wonder that many people are brand loyal. However, name brands are not always inherently better or higher quality than store brands and switching to store brands can save you a whole lot of money. That’s why I have 4 ways to save money with store brands… More

  • When are Organics Worth the Extra Money?

    Healthy eating habits are important for the long-term health of your family, and healthy foods can even save you money on medical bills in the long-term. One aspect of healthy eating is purchasing and consuming organic products, but organic produce often puts a strain on the average family’s grocery budget. More

  • 7 Batch Cooking secrets for quick and affordable dinners

    In today’s fast-paced world, most people stress daily about what’s for dinner. One way to solve this stress is to start batch cooking. You can batch cook for any meal of the day, and it’s an easy way to save money and time. Here are seven batch cooking secrets for quick and affordable dinners: More

  • josh elledge savingsangel podcast

    205 – Powerful solutions to 3 problems most of us have

    Podcast # 205 – Powerful solutions to 3 problems most of us have – Potential tax fraud – Not enough rest – Weight control
    In order to help you save more, earn more and live more abundantly on today’s show I’ll be covering…
    Protect your money – get your taxes filed now
    The right mattress can change your life
    How to lose weight and keep it off for good with my guest today, Adam Gilbert from MyBodyTutor More

  • How to avoid costly repairs to your car

    During cold weather, it’s easy to neglect your vehicle and push it without giving it the love are care you should. Here are six car maintenance things to do now to avoid costly repairs to your car later. More

  • LoveLove

    How to lose weight and keep it off for good

    How to lose weight and keep it off for good. As a client of My Body Tutor (MBT) I had the privilege of talking with the founder and owner of MBT Adam Gilbert. We discussed why My Body Tutor works and how it works. And, I might add, I love how this program works. More

  • Protect your money – get your taxes filed now

    The massive Equifax data breach this past year (in 2017) puts more filers at risk for tax fraud than ever before. Protect your money – get your taxes filed now! I have six ways you can help protect yourself. More

  • Remarkable savings and deals for Valentine’s Day in Orlando

    Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and a romantic weekend in Orlando offers unique and affordable ways to celebrate. We’ve collected special deals for the perfect Valentine’s Day weekend, from hotel packages and romantic dinners to couples’ massages and sunset airboat tours. More

  • Is now your perfect time to buy a new home?

    Despite the interest rate increase by the Federal Reserve, mortgage interest rates are still hovering around 4 percent. But before you start house hunting, it’s critical to assess your finances to determine what you can really afford. Is now your perfect time to buy a new home? Here are 9 steps to help you decide: More