Single? Newlywed? Empty Nester? How to save big at the grocery store when you need less

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It’s not a requirement to have kids at home to be a couponer. Some people I’ve talked with think that because they don’t go through as much food in their home, that perhaps using their Sunday coupons or being an enlightened shopper isn’t going to work for them. They may see shoppers on “Extreme Couponing” and think that to shop with coupons means buying over 50 bottles of mustard for an army of kids at home.
First off, Extreme Couponing is exactly what the title says, “Extreme.” The couponers who are profiled are very unlike most couponers I know – or who use Most people we work with are busy people who don’t want to make a part-time job out of couponing. We help a lot of busy families – but we also work with many retirees, young couples, and singles.

While the quantities of food and household products needed may be smaller, the fact remains: everybody needs to eat. So whether your household goes through twelve gallons of milk a month or less than one, you can choose to pay nearly five dollars for your milk – or less than three – which represents a 40% savings on milk alone.
I generally recommend two strategies to busy singles and couples who are contemplating using our help shopping with coupons – but don’t need or want to fill up their basement with product, and have very little free time to become a couponer:

1. Cherry-pick the absolute best deals: the products that are 80% off or better. For example, this week at local food and drug stores, there are 16 products you can get for free if you apply your Sunday (or Internet printable) coupons. This includes dental care, shampoo, pain reliever, and razors; All of which are products that nearly everybody buys. There are an additional 28 other products that you can get for 80% off or better this week. This includes 50 cent boxes of cereal, hamburger buns, laundry detergent, and hair styling products.

My goal is to help you build up a small supply of products that you should never pay retail price for. This strategy alone can help you save close to $40-$50 a month – even on the smallest of budgets. The great news is that if you would like to donate to local pantries, this is an easy way to give more to people in need.

2. Look at the food you currently have at home and make a “hot list” of these items you buy regularly. Each week, you’ll want to do a quick search for these items across coupon sale matches at several local stores. One single friend of mine likes the Healthy Choice frozen entrees and was shocked to hear that I stock up on these items when they are at least 75% off. It’s a great vision to see when you can open the freezer and have 20 different varieties to choose from – rather than 2. Buying 20 of these at full price means paying over $60. Wait for the right sale / coupon combination and you can spend less than $15 for the same quantity.

Another retired couple I talked with didn’t buy much food – but always bought Quaker oats. On a fixed budget, they were thrilled to learn how I could help them get boxes of Quaker Oats for 80% off. (Hint: stock up in January!)

Finally, understand that in 2012, not shopping with coupons is a luxury. It’s a luxury that carries a tax of $100 to $400 a month. For some people, avoiding the hour or two a week to clip and print a few coupons and hit an extra store or two is worth that luxury tax. For me, when my Sunday paper comes and all that money is laying in those papers on my driveway, I get very excited about using the manufacturer’s money to pay for my family’s food rather than my own.

This month, you can try SavingsAngel for just $2.50 a week. Weguaranteeyour success.Click here to learn more and start saving hundreds each month.

The easiest way to cut your grocery bill in half is through using manufacturers coupons combined with the best sales at local stores. Normally, this takes a lot of work to create a winning shopping list for your family. Each week, combines over 2,000 products on sale at local grocery and drug stores with their enormous database of manufacturer coupons ““ which are found in Sunday’s newspaper and throughout the Internet. This combination results in access to over 300 products each week for 50% off or better. Here are a few examples of deals that are available until Saturday at midnight. Please look read our blog each week for tips on how you can easily start cutting your grocery bill!

Josh Elledge is the Chief Executive “Angel” of SavingsAngel, Inc. ““ launched from his home in January 2007. A husband and father of three, he now appears each week on Fox 35 Orlando, in the Grand Rapids Press, and a number of radio stations across the country each week teaching families how to cut their grocery bill in half using the Internet. Elledge created the technology found on through the need to save his own family’s money. Successfully able to cut his own grocery bill from $600 a month to less than $300 a month, his message has reached hundreds of thousands of families. is now growing rapidly throughout the country. You can watch a short video at that will explain more information about how to cut your own grocery bill in half with the help of

Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


Central Florida Deals – As Seen on Fox35