5 Work From Home Tips to be More Productive
Working from home offers a lot of benefits that can make it seem like an enticing option. However, you may sometimes have a hard time focusing on your work while at home. Whether you do your full-time job remotely or you have a side hustle that you work on at home in your down time, follow these tips to be more productive and potentially earn more money.
Here are 5 work from home tips to be more productive:
1. Schedule your time. It may be tempting to try to multitask your work duties and home responsibilities, but clearly separating them helps you to focus. Set aside specific hours in which you will work, and keep to that schedule as much as possible.
In addition, it’s important to also schedule your home activities. For instance, you can set aside an hour or two each day to do chores like laundry and dishes so that those tasks aren’t distracting you while you’re trying to work. You can also set aside a specific time frame to relax and spend time with your family. When your day is well structured, you’ll be surprised how much you can fit into it.
2. Set up a separate workspace. When you work from your kitchen table, your sofa, or even your bed, it sends confusing signals to your brain, which can be distracting. You don’t have to necessarily have a separate office or room in which to do your work. You can set up a desk in the corner of a room, as long as that desk and that corner are specifically designated as your workspace. That way, when you sit at that desk, your mind automatically goes into work mode.
Make sure your workspace is comfortable and organized. Splurge on a high-quality office chair so you’re not distracted by back pain. You can also invest in some baskets and boxes to organize your papers, pens, and other work items. Organization ensures that you’re not wasting time (and money) constantly looking for things that you need.
3. Limit distractions. Some aspects of your house that make your home life more comfortable can just be distracting when you’re trying to work. Turn off all electronics that you don’t need to complete your work, such as your phone, your laptop, and the TV. If you do need your phone or laptop to work, download an app or browser plug-in that blocks certain apps or websites that might distract you, such as Facebook and Instagram. You should also turn off any unnecessary notifications.
If you live with other people, let them know that you’re in work mode. Ask them to not bother you unless there’s an emergency. If you have kids, it might be a good idea to put someone else in charge of them while you’re working so they won’t distract you. If that’s not possible, consider scheduling your work hours when they’re at school or asleep.
4. Dress the part. It can be tempting to stay in your comfy PJs all day when you’re not going to leave the house, but this can hurt your productivity. Before you start working, take a shower and dress in clean, presentable clothing. It doesn’t have to be a button-up shirt and slacks, just make sure it’s a step up from loungewear. PJs, sweats, and yoga pants signal to your brain that it’s time to relax, which can make you feel unfocused.
5. Take breaks. It may seem like working straight through for several hours makes you more productive, but this can tire you out. Instead of eating lunch at your desk, take a scheduled lunch break, even if it’s just for half an hour. If you’re losing focus, get up from your desk to stretch and maybe get some fresh air. These breaks will keep you healthy and make your working time much more productive.