I’ve been teaching people how to save on their grocery bill for more than seven years, and I find many people have misguided ideas about how to save money.
In some cases, I think we hear myths repeated so many times that they become fact in our mind even if there isn’t a shred of truth to them. Other times, we may continue to believe something is a fact even though store business practices have changed
Here are five grocery savings myths that need to be busted:
Bigger sizes always mean bigger savings
Warehouse clubs have done a good job of convincing us buying in bulk always gives us the best deal. However, that’s not necessarily true. A smaller size combined with a coupon might give you better value than a family-pack or warehouse sized product.
To make sure you are getting the best price possible, look on shelf tags for the per unit price for comparison. What’s more, be sure you’re comparing the same unit (i.e. ounces to ounces and pound to pounds) when deciding which size to buy.
Special displays mean deep discounts
This myth confuses a lot of people because sometimes stores do in fact use special displays and endcaps to promote sale products. The key word here is “sometimes.” Other times, stores use these areas to display the items they want you to buy; the ones making them the most money.
Don’t automatically reach for an item simply because it’s in the center aisle. Make sure that big sign advertising the price is actually a sale sign and not the regular price being posted.
If it’s on sale, it’s a deal
Along the same lines, be sure a sale price is actually a bargain and not lip service. Surprisingly, some sales mean a store has dropped the price by a few pennies, and that’s hardly worth getting excited about.
Eating healthy means you have to pay full price
Another common myth is health-conscious folks are out of luck when it comes to saving money at the grocery store.
Maybe at one time that was true, but not anymore. Today, there are plenty of coupons available for fresh food and organic dry goods. In addition, advances in technology mean buying flash frozen fruits and vegetables may actually be healthier than produce that has been trucked in from another state or imported from other countries.
Generics always give the best value
Finally, we were taught long ago that generics are exactly the same as brand name products, minus the fancy label and big price tag. From what I know, it’s true many generics are almost as good as the brand names, but they may not always be cheaper.
Grocers make more money off their store brands so you might not find the same great sales on their products. Plus coupons for store brands may be more difficult to come by. Rather than assume the generic is the biggest bargain, consider whether a coupon combined with a sale on a brand name may give you the best price.
To help shoppers navigate the world of grocery savings, I’m offering a free Grocery Savings eCourse to readers. You can visit SavingsAngel.com to claim your free eCourse which will discuss these myths in greater detail plus offer additional tips and strategies for cutting your grocery bill.