266 – The ULTIMATE Personal Finance Course with NextGen Wealth’s Clint Haynes

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Clint Haynes is the Founder and Certified Financial Planner of NextGen Wealth

NextGen Wealth is a company that provides financial planning, step-by-step plans for retirement,  and tools for economic independence.

Their passion is serving those who want the benefits of working with a certified financial planner. They take your unique financial situations into account and find the best solution to help you.

Using their service means better financial organization, investment help, goal setting, and goal accomplishing. NextGen Wealth is your accountability partner every step of the way.

Visit wwwsavingsangel.com/freedom to get more info

Alright, Clint Haynes, thank you so much for joining us. You are a certified financial planner, and you are the founder of Next Gen. Wealth again, welcome to the savings Angel show.

Yeah, absolutely. It’s great to be here, Josh.

So I’m really excited because we’re going to cover something. And I think that it is, you know, it’s like basic financial education, one on one, something that I wish was taught in all schools, which is not something that I wish that all parents could teach their kids, but they really can’t. And and we’ll actually get into this a little bit, but you’ve actually created a system called the financial freedom blueprint, and and kind of give us an idea of what this is, and what the purpose of this this course is.

Yeah. So just to give you a little bit of background on myself, you can I’ve been in the financial planning industry for a number of years, started my own firm A few years ago, and created our financial planning process called the financial freedom blueprint. And this is the exact same process that we use and have used with our clients for a number of years. But just kind of knew that you wanted to figure out a way how can I get this out to more people just because of the the lack of financial education in our country, you know, you just don’t learn a whole lot, a whole lot about it in high school, unless your parents are really good at educating. So wanting to create is some kind of a, we just got to get financial planning one one course, that anybody could go to, so that were in there, you know, when they’re in their 20s, and 30s. And they want to start getting serious about their finances, they can turn to something where it’s taught by somebody who’s been through the trenches, who’s practiced this for a number of years, who’s taken many clients through it, and they can easily implement it into their life, you know, step by step, prioritizing. What do I need to do now? What do I need to do next? So that was something that was just kind of near and dear to my heart. And that’s why, you know, I created the financial, or financial freedom blueprint course, to get it out there.

Excellent. So for the person who’s listening to this right now, my friend, you can actually go to savings angel.com slash freedom. And one thing you’re going to see there is you’re actually going to see a video version of the conversation that you’re listening to right now. And one thing I want you to look at is, Clint, I’m counting 12345, I’m guessing at least five and then there’s six sums up some sort of other certificate over the, you have six certificates on the wall behind you, you’ve been in this even in this thing for a while. And you’ve got you have some learnings behind you, is that right?

Yeah, that’s exactly right. Yeah, the younger you get in this industry, the more certificates you need, so people will actually believe you. And again, it goes for yourself as well.

And so tell me professionally, what your background is. And then we’ll get into the details on what’s actually included in the financial freedom blueprint course.

Yeah, sure. So I started in the financial services industry, back in 2001, and a big, what we would call a wire house, on Wall Street, and then went with another firm and then moved over to a regional firm, and by you know, by about 2011 2012, but then with three different firms and kind of saw how the industry was, and really who they were trying to focus on. And it just seemed to me, I was about 3435 years old at that time frame. And everybody was looking for the same exact client, you know, people that have lots of money, who are getting ready to retire or sell their business. And I thought, you know, what about everybody else who maybe isn’t there yet, that’s in their 20s and 30s. And maybe who doesn’t have all the money in the world right now, but needs good help, when it comes to, you know, saving for retirement or saving for their kids college or paying off debt? what’s what’s happening with those people right now, like, they’re, they’re having to figure it out for themselves. And so I kind of thought the industry was backwards, it should be, let’s help you now to get you to where you want to go. As opposed to what you figure it out for a long time, then we have a whole bunch of money, then we’ll come and help you out. No, I started my, my firm next gen wealth, about 2014. And its entire purpose was to help those individuals who maybe didn’t have all the money, all the money in the world right now, but just need a good solid advice that just wasn’t focused on investments only, but more but you know, much rather their entire financial life from cash flow management to what should you be saving? How much should you be saving? Where should you be saving it? How can you save money in your overall financial life. And so that’s why I started this about five years ago, really just as a passion project to help those people, you know, have good financial planning, just because there were so many limited options out there.

You know, and the thing is, I think that the percentage of people who are currently experiencing money stress of some sort, if that’s, that’s a pretty big number. So if, if that is you, I want you to know, you’re in good company, like, I’ve been there, Clint, I know, you’ve been there, I’m sure. Like, I’m sure most of the people that come to you have either recently dealt with some kind of financial or money stress, or they’re currently dealing with it, I just want you know, it’s okay. Like, that’s kind of the normal way that that a lot of us are operating in or at something point in our life are going to be in that environment. So the good news is that there’s actually some things that you can do, no matter what your situation is, you can improve your family situation. And and it goes beyond just common sense, things that you would think would be just second nature for everyone. Can you talk a little bit about that, and about all of the financial decisions that we make, say, and I was gonna, say, a month, but in a day, really, I mean, we make a lot of money choices, some of them are very small, some of them, you know, it’s we don’t know, to ask for certain things, or we don’t know, you know, we think that a certain way of saving money is just the way you’re supposed to do it, when in fact, that’s actually a very poor way to accumulate wealth. And maybe you can talk kind of talk about those little decisions.

Yeah, no, yeah, kind of what I’ve seen over the years is, you know, people have different degrees of financial education, some people are very savvy, have a good idea of what they’re supposed to be doing, can handle it, all of them all themselves. By far, the majority of people don’t fall into this category. They know enough to be dangerous. They don’t really know, what should my priorities be, you know, a lot of questions are, you know, should I be saving money and putting money away into a savings account? Or should I be paying off the student loan debt that I have? Right, right, what should be priority one? Yeah, so

that’s, you know, where, you know, people are spending money for rent, mortgage, you know, should you pay additional money toward your mortgage, I’m sure you cover you know, stuff like that. I mean, there are a lot of these decisions, like you could make a, I’m telling you to the person who’s listening to this right now, there are decisions that you have not made, but maybe you should make, you know, and the reason why you didn’t consider doing those is because are kind of focused, like imagine you’re in a car. And you know, we’re here in Florida. And we have love bug season. And so, you know, you’re driving down the highway, then all of a sudden splat, you know, a big bug lands on your windshield, right in your eyesight, and you try to focus on the road. But that big bug splat is on your windshield now, and it just keeps you keep getting focused on that bug splat, and it’s hard to kind of re kind of refocus on what you should be doing. So that’s kind of what we’re talking about when we talk about these, you know, these money, stress things that keep us from, you know, and it’s not that you can’t still drive forward, you can still drive forward. But maybe sometimes you have to make some modifications. But the important thing is that I think where our focus is, is so critical to making the best possible decisions no matter what our life stage is.

No, that’s exactly right. Like enough people know, a little bit, but you don’t know what you don’t know. And that’s where most of us struggle, and myself included it in many areas of my life. I know enough about some things to be dangerous, but there’s a lot of stuff. I have no idea that I didn’t even know I didn’t know about.

Yeah. Well, Clint, you eat, sleep and breathe financial decisions, kind of consumer financial decisions. And particularly, I would imagine, when it comes to kind of, you know, getting up to a good point in terms of where consumers are breathing in terms of their consumer activity. And then, you know, kind of going beyond that, then, in terms of what should be your money strategy, in terms of accumulating more wealth? And can you kind of break down what is included, and so here’s the person who’s listening to this, here’s what I want you to go to savings, Angel, calm, slash freedom, feel free to watch the video, if you’re not already, if you’re watching the video, I’m waving at you right now. And there’s an orange button on the page. And that’s going to actually take you to a schedule of the curriculum. Now this is a paid course, cleanse been doing this for a number of years. And we’ll talk about that in just a little bit. But the reason the reason that there’s an investment because you have you have assembled, what I’ll let you explain what’s included in their curriculum, but this is very much like taking a college class, except I’ve been sampling some of the videos. It’s super accessible, you’re very enjoyable to watch. Like you break it down. Like I don’t feel intimidated. I

feel like

oh, like, you know, even is like, I feel like I’m you know, I have some money smarts about me. But you know, still there’s like, so many things that I don’t know.

Yeah, yeah, no, I mean, this is this is the exact same process that that we use with our clients, and next gen well, so there’s really, you this is what we do, but we do it for them. So we designed this course to be the DI verse DIY version of that. So we we truly cover just about everything you could ever think of in your financial life, you know, party plus more things that you haven’t thought of before, before, you know, even looking at. So we’ll start out looking at your cash flow, what’s coming in? What’s going out? Where should it be going? How much should you probably be saving on an annual basis? Or what you should? Should you strive to save for looking at, you know, how can you spend less or possibly make more in your life? And then talking about how much to have an emergency savings account to paying off debt to looking at your insurance that you have to what’s the right play to invest your money? And how can you go about investing it if you want to do it yourself to saving for retirement. So literally everything you could think of, we’re going to cover it within the financial freedom blueprint course. And the best thing about it is, it’s not just about you know how to put a plan together, it’s about how to save money in your overall personal financial life, like the cost of this course, that we offer that we sell it to is much less than what we sell it to for the clients that we work with. But you should be able to make up that cost and relatively little time with just all of the savings tips that we provide to our

Yeah, and what is the what is the investment for the course. And by the way, I should let you know that. And I want to know that I want to know how much content like some find some way to like, quantify the amount of content in one thing that I’m seeing here is that I see this as I’m kind of browsing through, I’m guessing that there’s at least I’m guessing, like eight date nights worth of content here. I mean, you can you can kind of I’ll let you explain that a little bit more detail. Now. It’s it’s video instruction. Plus, every single module that I’m seeing has principles has worksheets, it’s it’s very, very actionable. And again, you know, it seems like a I’m excited to go through it with my wife, you know, we we still like we still learn, you know, it’s I think in money, if you ever get to the point where you think that you’re the that you’re no longer a student and you’re a master, you can look out.

Right right now Exactly. So the course, is actually 25 different sections, it’s about six hours worth of video usually broken up into, you know, three to 15 minute videos within each of the sections. So it’s a very short snippets, you don’t have to you know, sit there for an hour to usually each course will maybe take around an hour, some will be less summer be more than that. And then within the video, we’re going to have you know, temporary to work through and PDFs to go through for each individual section that we have. But really the the overall strategy to the financial freedom blueprint courses, we give you your financial freedom blueprint template at the beginning. And then after you complete each section, you’ll complete that corresponding section within your financial freedom blueprint, and then move on to the next section. So it’s very easy to do very easy to implement, really, it’s just a matter of, you just have to actually do it, we provide everything for you to make it as easy as possible. And then as far as cost goes, we actually offer a financial freedom blueprint to our clients. It’s 20 $500, one time upfront fee. But obviously, you’re going to be doing it yourself. So we wanted to provide, you know, a pretty sizable discount to that. So we are offering it to you all for three hundred and $97. And like I said, some of these tips when it comes to, you know, looking for unfounded money that you might have, yeah, they’re saving money on what you’re paying with your homeowners or auto insurance with tips that we can give you, you should be able to make up the cost of that 397 relatively quickly.

And here’s the thing we’re going to do, Clint, we’re going to do a special bonus, where in this session, we’re going to do a special one hour session, you and I are going to do this together. If you’ve ever been wanted to go live on a call with me, we’re going to do a live video webinar, you can ask me all of your questions, Clint, the goal of this one hour session, and we’ll go longer if we need to, is to go through everybody’s budget line item. And we will come up with at least a dozen different ways that you can accumulate savings to the tune of not just $400. But $400 a month for the rest of the year. I’ve been doing this long enough. I’m really good at this. And so and so I’ve been doing this now for over 12 years, I’ve gone through this exercise. Again, I don’t get to do it live in part, I haven’t done it a long time. Usually I do it like live at workshops, and I have everyone’s like, okay, bring your spending plan, let’s all you know, it’s kind of, you know, follow along. And we’re going to go through every single item. And I’ll have people shout out the categories and kind of where they’re spending out spending their money. And then I will life hack and give them all the life pro tips. And if you and I are doing this together, I’m sure you’re going to have stuff that I’ve never heard of, I’m sure I’m gonna have some stuff that you’ve never heard of. But the end of that session is to make sure that you are going to save $400 monthly times 12 we’re talking $4,800 in new money found, and I don’t care how frugal you are, right? There are some things that you can do. There’s things that all of us can do from utilities that we do autos to travel to food is a huge one, your consumables huge, huge, and that’s the one that I really, really need to dominate. I’ll talk about like how I get free hotel upgrades so that you can not just save money, but you can actually enjoy more hookups and upgrades. I’ll go through all of my hacks on that. And so here’s how you get this. And that is you go to savings angel.com slash freedom. And it’s a one time 397 you register. And then if you register by October 19, October 19, you got to do it by October, it’s Saturday by midnight, October 19. If you register by then you’ll be invited to attend live. Our session. Now, in addition to being able to attend live will give you a recording of that session as well, plus a transcript of everything that that Clinton I said in that so you can keep that for notes. So that you can use that that’s only available to people. If you go directly to clinch website, you it’s not included, it’s a special thing. Like I’ll see how many people from our savings Angel community joined us. And they’ll all be invited to be a part of that special session. And I’m happy to share, again, the recording the live event and a transcript of that, in addition to the over six hours of video content, plus all the principles of the workbooks, worksheets and all the other stuff that you’ll get when you join the financial freedom blueprint. So Clint, um, how about how about like teenagers and stuff? I’m thinking, you know, we have a lot of, obviously a lot of moms and dads in our savings Angel audience, at what age do you think that you a lot of this stuff would be pretty applicable?

I think for you know, how I’ve developed this course is definitely for a younger individual, maybe not necessarily teenagers, I think they’ll get something out of it. But it’s really for that individual who’s probably in their 20s and 30s. They’re turning point in their life where, you know, they want to start taking their finances seriously, they have questions, they’re not really sure what they should be prioritizing what they should be doing, should they be? Should they be saving money? Should they be paying down their student loan debt? Maybe they just had children, you know, they feel pretty comfortable about it up to that point. But then they come to a point where what should I be doing next it so it’s designed for those individuals in their 20s and 30s, who are ready to commit to taking control of their personal financial lives.

And let me go through some of the sections here just and this kind of wrap up for this session. And I’m really, really excited to I’m really excited to do a live event with you. And all of our savings Angel people. So categories here we’ve got it you got introduction, cash flow is king, you know, creating a cash flow plan, spending less making more, how not to pass up free money. The best ways to fund an emergency savings account, the most effective ways to pay up high interest debt, which stinks, how to save financial independence or retirement, managing your investments, a lot of great modules on that. Some ninja hacks on saving for your child’s college, additional savings and investment accounts. Why you should do that how to do that managing your home mortgage, homeowners auto insurance, health insurance FSH flexible sending space, it says Spending Accounts life insurance, Long Term Disability estate planning tax planning, say a creating a login safety plan credit card rewards like how to hack credit card cards, your credit report, automating your finances setting up a financial dashboard that’s very, very cool. And then setting up secure drive so you can kind of make sure you’ve got all of your important documents saved very securely. So all that and more. Clint, this looks really really cool. I’m going to get started on this today. And then I really really look forward to all of our savings Angel friends joining us on our surprise, our kind of our bonus session that we’re going to do together. And again, one last time the link that you want to hit up and you want to do this before October 19. It’s savings angel.com slash freedom. And Clinton, I would love to get together with you. And and certainly if you jump in and you find out Whoa, I made a serious mistake. Clint. I’m sure they can reach out to you. If they’re like I absolutely don’t like this. And it’s probably not a problem that they could get a refund. Is that is that okay?

That’s right, we have a 30 day money back guarantee. So within 30 days, you don’t tell you’re not happy with the course at all. We will absolutely 100 100% refund your 397 bucks, no

problem and you can still join the bonus section too. So get the course and attend a bonus session. If you know again anytime during that 30 days. I Clint, I don’t want to speak for you but but it sounds like that anytime even after the bonus session you’re like in you know, not not really for me not a problem. Clint says go ahead and just let them know. And sounds like it’s not a problem if you need a refund.

No, not at all very easy. Awesome.

Well, Clint Haynes, you are a certified financial planner. You’re the founder of Next Gen. Well, thank you so much for joining us.

Absolutely. Josh was great being here.

Very enjoyable to watch.

Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel, SavingsAngel.comĀ®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of SavingsAngel.comĀ®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with SavingsAngel.com, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!

READ MY FULL BIO HERE: https://savingsangel.com/josh

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