249 – Everything You Need To Know About Coupons and More

249 – Everything You Need To Know About Coupons and More

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I am an extremely busy consumer expert, money-saving advocate, syndicated newspaper columnist, and the guy that turns digital entrepreneurs into media celebrities with UpMyInfluence.com.

I love what I do and can’t wait to get going on today’s episode.

Today’s show is all about Coupons in the News. I’m going to be talking about how you can keep up on news about coupons and also share some fun facts about coupons and couponing.

I think I have followed Coupons in the News and received their newsletter almost since inception in 2012. So I’m really excited to have with me today, Bill Wunner the founder of this one of a kind publication couponsinthenews.com.

Unlike other coupon or couponing blogs Coupons in the News is the go-to site for informative and entertaining stories about coupons, the stores, the companies that issue them and the consumers who use them.

Show Notes

A little history on where coupons got started

If you look back at the history of coupons, I think it started with Coca Cola back in the late 1800s. Then it was Grape Nuts in the early 1900s, that issued the first grocery coupon. That didn’t change a whole lot until relatively recently when now you have online coupons and coupons on your phone, and all different kinds of coupons available now. But, the idea being that manufacturers issue coupons, so that you go out and try their products. And if you like their product, then maybe next time you’ll buy it without a coupon. So the real difference, nowadays is that people have learned to use coupons strategically, not just cutting it out, using it on a product and doing as the brand might want you to do which is buy it at full price next time. People have learned to time the sales cycles and hold on to their coupons when they can use them most effectively. So that’s where the industry and the use of coupons really become interesting, I think. 


How did coupon inserts end up in the Sunday newspapers?

Coupons used to be printed in the newspaper itself, or they might be sent through the mail, or you might cut them out of the cardboard packages on the cereal boxes. But it was in the early 70s, they started distributed them in the newspaper along with the advertising inserts, so they became much more accessible. Now you’re not ripping apart packages to get to coupons anymore. The interest in the use of coupons increased at that time because they were on your doorstep every Sunday.


Have coupon values really gone up?

When I first heard about coupons, I think I had the same initial reaction that a lot of other people do that they’re not really into it. They’re like, I’m going to do all this work. And I’m going to save a nickel. I mean, what’s the point in that? But today’s coupons are not your mother’s coupons from the 70s.

If you look at old coupons or search online for vintage coupons, you find 10 cents off, seven cents off, very specific low values like that. Relative to the prices of the products back then, they were decent, but nowadays, certainly, with prices going up, the values of coupons have gone up. It’s very easy to find coupons for $1, $2 or more.


How does someone use coupons today?

Listen as Bill and I continue our conversation, we cover many, many more interesting topics including:

  • sales and coupon use
  • extreme couponing 
  • coupons and the economy
  • coupon fraud and counterfeiting
  • law enforcement’s fight against coupon fraud
  • how coupon abuse impacts all consumers 
  • where to find the most coupons today
  • how we should be using our coupons
  • the reality about the TV show Extreme Couponing
  • coupon match-ups 
  • and more



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And as always, if you have any specific questions, or if there is something you’d like to hear me talk about, you can drop me a comment in the podcast feedback, write me on my Facebook group, or call my podcast hotline at 407.205.9250 and leave me a message. I’ll answer your question, write you back, or – with your permission – I might even share your question or story with others on this show.

Have a wonderful week – full of saving more, earning more, and living more abundantly – and thank you for listening!


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SavingsAngel facebook group – lots of consumer hints, tips, and more! Join us.

90 Days to Abundance video library!

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Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel, SavingsAngel.com®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of SavingsAngel.com®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with SavingsAngel.com, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!

READ MY FULL BIO HERE: https://savingsangel.com/josh

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