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- 50% off all the Christmas trimmings when you follow these ninja tips
- Holiday Travel hacks to stay a happy elf!
- Track your expenses and save 15% more!
- How to get a free dozen doughnuts @ Krispy Kreme!
- Why should you find independent businesses and artists for Christmas presents?
- 407-205-9250 podcast hotline. Show notes @
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Links mentioned in this podcast:
Controlling the “Little Extras” of Christmas
How to travel with holiday cheer
Click to read my Personal Capital review
Follow me on twitter: @SavingsAngel
Deals mentioned in this podcast:
Your first $10 LYFT ride is FREE through this link.
- Your first $20 UBER ride is FREE through this link.
Save $5 on select Kimberly-Clark products
*Hot* Target Cartwheel 50% off a Toy of the Day
Krispy Kreme Day of Dozens ““ December 12
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iTunes reviews of the week:
Great Show -dennykrahe1
Saving money and paying off debt can seem like a huge burden to many, but I love the ways that Josh is able to help the listeners make changes 90 days at a time. And it’s always amazing to me how a series of small steps can really make a huge difference, so thanks for the reminder!
Really Great Money Information -joinupdots
Josh does a great job presenting this information and his passions shines out. He is like a money DJ….great stuff!
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