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- What is Small Business Saturday and how do I get the free $30 from American Express?
- The three best tips for protecting your credit card information when shopping online during the holidays.
- Get a free $20 gift card from Personal Capital?
- How do I win $10,000 from RetailMeNot?
- 407-205-9250 podcast hotline. Show notes @
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Links mentioned in this podcast:
Small Business Saturday- How it works and how to get the free $30!
How Can You Protect Your Credit Card Information When Shopping Online?
Deals mentioned in this podcast:
FREE $20 Amazon gift card just for signing up for (FREE) Personal Capital account!
Win up to $10,000 with the RetailMeNot Holiday Sweepstakes. Over 5000 will win.
FREE Full-Size Deodorant Spray
*Hot* Target Cartwheel 50% off a Toy of the Day
FREE Entrance to Sam’s Club November 29-30
FREE Money offer for American Express card users
FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop Saturday, November 29
Hot deals and Freebies from RetailMeNot for now and Black Friday
More places to keep your eye on!
Monthly giveaway! Win 3 months Enlightened Shopping membership!
SavingsAngel Discussion Forums
90 Days to Abundance eCourse
Enlightened Shopping – Cut your grocery bill in half
FREE Apple Podcast app for iOS
FREE Stitcher Podcast app
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iTunes reviews of the week:
Great Show -dennykrahe1
Saving money and paying off debt can seem like a huge burden to many, but I love the ways that Josh is able to help the listeners make changes 90 days at a time. And it’s always amazing to me how a series of small steps can really make a huge difference, so thanks for the reminder!
Really Great Money Information -joinupdots
Josh does a great job presenting this information and his passions shines out. He is like a money DJ….great stuff!
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