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10 awesome free/cheap summer kid activities! + I was *shocked* to hear the average amount spent on Fathers Day!backyard camping, crafts for kids, daily deal sites, free admission to museums, free admission to zoos, free summer movies, Groupon, how to keep kids busy during the summer, Living Social, Pinterest, summer activities for kids, summer library programs, workshops for kids. Best fathers day gifts.
Links mentioned in this podcast:
10 Ideas to Save on Summer Fun with Kids and Family
The Best of RetailMeNot for Dear Old Dad
Follow Trae Bodge on Twitter:@TraeRetailMeNot
The Real Deal Blog @ RetailmeNot
Hurry! Promo Ending Soon to Get a FREE $25 with a New Kohl’s Wedding Registry
FREE Bangs or Beard Trim at JCPenney
Starbucks Iced Coffee $0.50 at Walgreens with Coupon
Celebrate Father’s Day with a Hallmark eCard
FREE Rubber Band Racing Car Build
Save 20% on Mangoes with This Coupon
Free 8×10 Portrait for Military
FREE Special K Coffee House Shakes and More Great Deals
SavingsAngel Discussion Forums
90 Days to Abundance eCourse
Enlightened Shopping – Cut your grocery bill in half
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