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Links mentioned in this podcast:
Coupons Pulled from Major Newspaper
Top 5 Deals at CVS This Week
Save 72% on 1-Stop Shopping Deals at Walgreens
ZarBee’s Naturals Seasonal Relief Tablets ““ Free Sample
$2 Coupon for Armor All Father’s Day Gift Pack Caddy
Best of RetailMeNot
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner ““ Sausage and Waffles Casserole
Healthy Offer of the Week ““ 20% Off Oranges
Are Father’s Getting the Short End of the Stick on Father’s Day?
FREE Soft Serve Ice Cream Cone from Burger King with Coupon
FREE Donut Day at Dunkin’ Donuts
SavingsAngel Discussion Forums
90 Days to Abundance eCourse
Enlightened Shopping – Cut your grocery bill in half
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I’m learning such great in. on these podcasts! They are full of helpful hints on ways to save money!
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