Spend money to save money on groceries? To many, this concept appears counterproductive. “I’m trying to save money, why would I spend to do that? That doesn’t help me.” But we all will spend to save. We just don’t think of it that way. We have no problem with it when we understand and desire the long term benefits; when we can see beyond the initial expense to the advantages. In fact, we think it wise.
Examples of how we already do this? Purchasing new home appliances that are more energy efficient; replacing a car that is breaking down constantly; changing telephone, cell phone, internet and/or television providers; driving a bit farther to that cheaper gas station; switching our home, auto and/or life insurance; hiring an investment company”¦
How is this related to grocery savings? In each case, we explore what goods and services are available and make an educated decision for the maximum long term benefits. Grocery savings are no different. To really save big, we need to invest a little in obtaining and redeeming coupons.
I still don’t see it”¦ The average Sunday edition of the newspaper (which contains the coupons in most areas), costs just $2. (Even at newsstand price. Have a subscription, and you might pay less per copy.) But in every paper, the inserts have dozens of coupons. And the values are higher than you might realize. It’s not uncommon to find coupons worth over $1 each. Added up through the coupons you might use, the savings are exponential.
But there are never coupons for the things I buy! Even if you eat only healthy foods, there are numerous coupons you’re missing. Manufacturers put coupons out for products like bread, yogurt, salad mixes, vegetarian products, produce, and more often. Plus, add that on to the coupons you can use to save on health, beauty, and household products – and it adds up big! This goes a long way to assist in affording desired healthy food choices.