4 Things You Need To Do Now

Pro Tips You’ll Want To Know

4 Things You Need To Do Now

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With warmer weather here and lots of spring activities, it’s tempting to put responsibilities off. But spring will fly by so I’m here to help you get in gear with 4 things you need to do now.

1. Things You Need To Do: Declutter

Begin decluttering and spring cleaning.

Break the tasks up into smaller chunks to tackle throughout the next 4-6 weeks. Literally, schedule specific tasks and when you’re going to accomplish them, just like you’d calendar activities or appointments. By spreading out the work – rather than trying to cram it all into a weekend – you’ll actually get it all accomplished. The trick is to be very specific about what you plan to accomplish and when, and then to execute your plan.  

Pro Tip #1 for decluttering: Divide your home into “zones” and tackle only one zone or room at a time. This avoids having the entire house in disarray for weeks. To do a thorough job, take everything (and I do mean everything) out of one closet or drawer at a time and go through it. Place back only the things you are keeping that belong there.

Expert organizers advise that you only keep things that fall into one of two categories:
1. It brings you joy.
2. You actually use it. (Not you might consider, maybe, using it one day… in the future…)

Anything that falls outside of those parameters should be sold, trashed or donated.

Pro Tip #2 for decluttering: Prepare well before you even begin. You should have everything you need to do the job at the ready. This includes any necessary cleaners, as well as a spot to place every item you touch. For items you’re keeping but need to be stored away, you should have a box or plastic lidded bin ready to receive them. A large trash bag should be ready to receive items that are not fit to donate or sell. And so forth. Having everything you need before starting will save time over not knowing where to set things or items simply piling up and condensing your space to work.


 2. Things You Need To Do: Plan a sale

Plan a yard sale or other method to remove unwanted items from your possession.

You need to make a plan for all the things you’ll unearth during decluttering. You can donate them, take them to a consignment shop, or even sell things via online yard sales (such as Facebook groups) or Craigslist. Whatever method you choose, pick a date to take action (set a date for your yard sale, for example) and schedule it just like any other commitment.

Pro Tip for yard sales: Don’t wait too long into the typical “yard sale season” to hold a sale. You’ll sell more items if you hold your sale when people are itching to get out on a Saturday and look. This is typically around early to the 3rd week of May.

Will the new tax laws affect the number of yard sales we see this year? The large increase in the standard deductions removed the tax advantage for many families who had previously simply donated their items. This yard sale season, we may see more families try to sell items before donating since fewer families will be itemizing their tax deductions for 2019.


3. Things You Need To Do: Activities for kids

Look into summer activities for the kids.

Organizations and camps begin releasing information about their summer programs, as well as taking reservations in April and early May. Don’t wait to discover what is available this year and decide what things your family wants to participate in.

Pro Tip for summer activities: Many programs offer “early bird” pricing. You can save money by deciding and signing up during those dates. Even if the pricing is all the same, knowing what your financial obligations will give you time to save and plan accordingly.


4. Things You Need To Do: Check your AC

Check your AC in your home and auto.

Turn your units on and make sure they are still blowing well and the air gets cold. If not, you have time to schedule an appointment for repair or recharge before HVAC companies and auto care centers book up. For home systems, it’s also time to change your air filter.

Pro Tip #1 for checking your AC: Before repair shops and HVAC companies get really busy, they often have early spring specials to kick off their season. If yours needs attention, you’ll score a better deal and faster service than when it gets hot in late May and June.

Pro Tip #2 for checking your AC: If your AC system doesn’t seem to be functioning properly, you may not need a repair appointment. Many reputable service companies have videos on YouTube demonstrating things you can check yourself before you pay a pro.


More great tips you’ll want to know:

How to Make Money with an Online Yard Sale

7 Valuable Secrets to Effectively Price Yard Sale Items


Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel, SavingsAngel.com®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of SavingsAngel.com®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with SavingsAngel.com, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!

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SavingsAngel Show with Josh Elledge

243 – Easy Ways To Improve Your Finances – My Favorite Razors

SavingsAngel Show with Josh Elledge

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