Tips to Saving on Summer
It’s getting to be that time of year. As the weather warms up and the kids get ready for summer break, parents are already trying to think of ways to save this summer. Rest assured, your SavingsAngel has got you covered. Check out our tips below on how to save money all around this summer.
Save on the Easy Stuff
This seems obvious, so let me be more specific: think twice before you spend money on anything. Thinking of getting a car wash? Instead of spending the cash for several primo car washes this summer, save a chunk of change by asking your kids to help you out. Spend the afternoon together in your bathing suits and get scrubbing. Not only is this a fun family activity, but you’ll pocket the money you would have spent on all those summer car washes.
When shopping for back-to-school, wait to spend your big bucks until tax-free weekend. This can save you a ton of cash that you can then stick into savings. Tax-free weekend is great when you’re shopping for school supplies, uniforms, and certain pieces of tech for your kids.
Don’t forget to shop using savings apps and coupons each week – this can save you a couple hundred dollars a year. This goes even more so for the summer. Don’t be tricked into spending more, even if you plan on traveling. If you’re planning on a road trip, buy some road snacks from a discount or dollar store, make some sandwiches and stick them in a cooler, and be sure to bring some juice pouches and water bottles. Avoiding a lot of fast food and gas station snack stops will save you a ton of cash that would be better saved.
Find ways to save around home, too. Open windows and shut off the AC if it’s cool enough. If it’s way too hot, keep curtains and windows shut throughout the day to save your AC unit some work. Wash your clothes in cold water to save on the power usage that comes from doing laundry, unplug appliances you aren’t using, and if you want to be super energy efficient, run an energy audit with your utility provider. This audit will tell you where your household uses the most power so you can optimize usage and save money.
The list goes on. Just be vigilant and diligent about what you’re spending and always ask yourself how you can save.
Make Some Extra Money on the Side
Not only should you look for ways to save on what you spend, but also look for ways to add more to what you’re saving.
Did you miss spring cleaning or end up with a closet full of things you don’t need or use? Have a summer garage sale. Have the whole family comb through their belongings, pick out some things they don’t need that are gently used, then make some signs and have your sale! Also consider making and sticking some signs outside your neighborhood (that you’ll pick up later, of course) to attract passersby. On top of that, consider putting a post on your neighborhood’s forum or on social media about the sale for a week or two ahead of time. This will attract even more people.
Not big on garage sales? That’s ok, there are all sorts of alternatives. Use sites like Decluttr to sell your gently used electronics, games, and media quickly and at no cost to you. For bigger or miscellaneous items, you could use the Facebook Marketplace, eBay, or other online storefronts to sell your items. (Make sure to always conduct sales safely and in neutral, public locations away from home!)
There are all sorts of ways to make extra money on the side. If you want to maximize the money you put away this summer, take a look at some ways to generate cash. You can also encourage your kids to do this, too, via lawn mowing, dog walking, babysitting, etc. This helps give them productive, lucrative activities over their summer break (and some spending money, too.)