The Frugal Romantic


finger couple-heart-romanceIs it possible to be romantic and frugal? I think so. But don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest you get gas station flowers and cheap waxy chocolates. I’m talking about learning to speak your spouse’s language of love. Best-selling author, Gary Chapman, wrote a renowned book titled The Five Love Languages. It discusses the five main ways people feel loved, and good news, most cost you nothing.

Words of Affirmation: Hovers around praise and being built up through words, both verbal and written. Includes feeling appreciated, having efforts noticed, and being genuinely.

Frugal Ideas for this love language:

  • Write a personal, handwritten note that highlights attributes you truly admire.

  • Text “thinking of you” messages when you are apart.

  • Make a voice recording of yourself praising your spouse.

Acts of Service: Built on taking care of things and showing love by attending to tasks and burdensome necessities. Includes having someone ease their load and tackle things weighing them down.

Frugal Ideas for this love language:

  • Tackle the chore your spouse hates the most.

  • Figure out how to repair something that has bugged him or her.

  • Volunteer to help with something they are passionate about or committed to.

Receiving Gifts: Hinges on receiving gifts that demonstrate they are remembered and cared about. Includes gifts that involve time and effort to give, not just money.

Frugal Ideas for this love language:

  • Think back; is there something your spouse admired but never got? Leverage coupons or offers to get it within your budget.

  • Personalize something. For example, a box decorated with meaningful pictures. It is about the topic and effort you put into it.

  • Find out what delighted them as a child. Give the experience of reliving good memories. Can’t locate it? Create something telling about your efforts and the why behind them, and give that.

Quality Time: Undivided attention equals showing they are more important than any other demand of life. Includes time specifically carved out, and time just doing life together.

Frugal Ideas for this love language:

  • Choose an inexpensive or free place to go, where you can minimize, or even eliminate distractions. Really focus on your special someone. Don’t rush or permit interruptions.

  • Revisit special places; where you met, used to go on dates together, or went to school. Walk down memory lane together.

  • Plan budget-friendly adventures wistfully mentioned in the past. Do something they’ve always wanted to do, even if you feel completely silly or awkward.

Physical Touch: All about appropriate and meaningful touch. These can vary widely, but include hugs, hand holding, sitting close together, and being literally patted on the back for a job well done.

Frugal Ideas for this love language:

  • Commit to hugging and/or kissing your loved one daily ““ with meaning. Covey you care.

  • Be intentional to show love that speaks to them. A foot massage? Holding hands? A slap on the rear for a job well done? (Amazingly, this speaks volumes to some men from their sports days.)

  • Send virtual hugs and high-fives. Text a hug or email a high-five when you’re apart. Then give them a real one when you’re together again.

Even if your spouse’s main love language is gifts, you can find ways to speak that language with little to no cost. And if it’s not ““ guess what? You’ll be relieved to learn that you don’t always have to come up with the perfect gift. The perfect gift might not be a gift at all. It might be just your admiration, attention, effort, and time.

Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


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