Seriously. It’s Time to Throw Away Your Coupons.


Newspaper bundleIt took some time, but Michigan has finally had some gorgeous spring days.

Now, I realize this is Michigan, and it could be snowing by the time you read this, but don’t let that put a damper on your spring cleaning. In fact, use those blustery, rainy days to freshen up your coupon stash and pantry using these steps.

Purge expired coupons and inserts

Doesn’t it feel good to clear out bags full of clutter from your closet? Well, you get the same awesome feeling when you send all your old expired coupons and inserts to the recycling bin.

I know we often put off this task because it can be so tedious. If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned out your stash, try to make the job a little more manageable by sitting down to a marathon of Downton Abbey (or whatever else you may like) while sorting and purging.

Revaluate what’s leftover

We all have coupons in our stash which we’ve been holding onto forever. These could be old “No Expiration Date” ones a relative gave you decades ago, the Catalina coupon you’ve been carrying around for six months for the product you never buy (but it’s high value!) and the freebie coupon you won for a product none of your local stores carry.

As couponers, we tend to have the “coupons equal money” mentality ingrained in our head, and it’s hard for us to put that money in the trash. It’s certainly true that coupons do equal money, but it’s also a bit silly to carry around a stack of coupons we haven’t used in 6 months and probably never will.

Refresh your supplies

After purging your coupons, it’s time to refresh your supplies. Pull together what you use regularly for couponing and evaluate whether everything is still in good shape and serving its purpose. For example, is your coupon holder looking ragged? Or do your scissors no longer cut cleanly?

Make a list of everything you need to replenish. In addition, if you don’t already, think about how to keep all your supplies neatly stored. Keeping everything together in an easily accessible box or bin can be a great way to make couponing a breeze.

Raid the panty

Finally, your stockpile is as big a part of grocery savings as your coupon stash. While spring cleaning your cupboards and shelves, revaluate what’s taking up space. Consider whether you’re buying too much of a particular product. Another possibility might be you regularly cook certain meals and don’t have any of those ingredients on hand.

Couponing and meal planning isn’t a “set it and forget it” system. Our families ““ and our tastes ““ are constantly evolving. If you find your family no longer likes a particular product, and you still have an excess in your pantry, use spring cleaning as a time to send those unexpired, undamaged extras to a food pantry. Then, jot a note to remind yourself not to keep buying an item no one is still eating.

For more spring cleaning tips, check out the Let’s Get Organized eCourse at


Josh Elledge is chief executive “Angel” of, a website that teaches consumers how to save money through a free money savings video eCourse. SavingsAngel also provides hundreds of 50% off or better deals each week to members by matching local grocery and drug store sales with its free database of over 5,000 accessible coupons.


Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


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