Eating breakfast is expensive! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! In particular, if you regularly eat breakfast at a restaurant, I’m about to share some numbers that are staggering. You may never eat breakfast out again once you know what you’ve been losing. With some angelic coupon-sale combinations, you can save big money from your breakfast food budget.
You can find a dozen eggs for under a dollar pretty often. Eating two eggs for breakfast will cost you 16 cents. Add a piece of toast for six cents (a good SavingsAngel price on a high-quality loaf of bread is a dollar or less). Total price: 22 cents for this breakfast. Buy this breakfast at regular grocery-store prices and you’ll easily pay more than 50 cents. 28 cents saved for five family members each 365 days a year = $511.00. A local restaurant would charge you about three dollars plus tax and tip. Total savings for eating breakfast at home this year: $1233.70 per person.
While you may be able to buy oatmeal in bulk at a lower price, if you can wait for a great sale and coupon combination on a large canister of oats, you can get about 30 servings of oatmeal for less than two dollars. This comes to 7 cents for a bowl of oatmeal. Add in your choice of toppings, and you can easily provide a hot breakfast for about 15 cents. This is normally a much better value than instant oatmeal packs. However, with the right coupon and sale, we regularly find a box of ten packs for a dollar or under. Normally, if you buy a box of instant oatmeal packs at regular store prices, you can pay up to four dollars. A local restaurant, by the way, would charge you twenty times the SavingsAngel price. Total savings for eating breakfast at home this year: $693.50 per person.
Coupons and sales together can net you a box of pancake mix for just over a dollar every 6-8 weeks. Just add water, cook, and eat. Most people will pay around $2.30 or more without the coupons. A box will make you about 63 four-inch pancakes. Even with butter, syrup or fruit topping, you can easily make a 3-pancake meal for 8 cents! Even if you just made sure to use coupons and stock up at great sales this year on this ONE PRODUCT, you’ll save $76.65 feeding three kids every day. If you need to save time, simply cook up a week’s worth of pancakes on Sunday night and throw them in the refrigerator or freezer. If you ate your pancakes at a restaurant for $1.99 (plus taxes and tip), you would be paying more than THIRTY TIMES the amount! Total savings for eating breakfast at home this year: $697.15 per person.
With the price of cereal and milk, this can actually be one of the priciest home breakfast options. A $4 seven-serving box of cereal and a $4 gallon of milk can make your breakfast meal cost a whopping .82 each ““ which doesn’t sound like much – but 3 kids over the course of a year, and you’ve spent nearly $900 just in cereal and milk for breakfast. Compare this with what some ‘angelic’ shopping can provide… This week, with the right coupon-sale combinations, you can get 7 servings of Kellogg’s cereal for .84 and a gallon of milk this week for $1.79. Together, a bowl of cereal can cost you… 23 cents! Follow my savings advice, stock up on this cereal deal and you’ve saved yourself $646.05 this year from just this one change. By the way, a bowl of cereal at a restaurant would probably be the worst investment you could make at $2.49 (plus tax and tip) given how easy it is to make a bowl yourself. You could eat more than TWELVE DAYS worth of cereal at home for the same price of just one bowl served in a crowded restaurant under fluorescent lights. Total savings for eating cereal at home this year: $963.60 per person.
$2.29 for a small glass of orange juice is enough to get the attention of even the most carefree spenders. With coupons and sales you can get concentrate orange juice for 8 cents a glass or less. Not from concentrate can cost you about .18 a glass. Even if we assumed your $2.29 got you the not from concentrate variety, you could get almost 13 glasses for the same price. If that restaurant juice pours from a dispenser, however, you could drink a months worth of juice at home for the price of that one restaurant glass. Total savings for drinking juice at home this year: $806.65 per person.
The best couponers save hundreds of dollars every month at the grocery store. However, couponers can end up living very extreme lifestyles to get those savings. For over five years, SavingsAngel.com has equalized the playing field ““ giving extreme savings to busy families who don’t have the time or ability to be an full-time couponer. Each week, SavingsAngel.com’s team of more than 70 angels combines over 2,000 products on sale at local grocery and drug stores with an enormous database of over 2,000 different manufacturer coupons. These combinations result in our members getting access to over 300 products each week for 50% off or better. Simply log in, choose the deals you want, print or clip only the coupons you need, and save hundreds of dollars a month at regional and national stores. Our angels will personally work with you to craft a plan that will help you buy healthier food at lower prices ““ helping you keep $200 to $400 in savings each month.