Your Key To Living The Best Life Possible
Modern DNA testing has changed the way we look at Health and Wellness forever. And with it comes the key to living the best life possible. With a 60-second DNA test, you can unlock a wealth of information and improve yourself like never before. Once you tap into your DNA, self-improvement is simple, straightforward, and more effective. The analysis provides personalized nutrition, fitness, and supplements that will work best for you.
After having our DNA tested, my wife and I found out even more through LifeDNA. It’s amazing what you can find out about yourself! In my interview with LifeDNA Co-Founder and CEO, Cyril Moukarzel, Cyril explained to me that DNA is like an instruction manual. In your DNA test, what we look for are the ‘mistakes’ or the things that are missing in your DNA. We look at certain genetic markers called SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). SNPs are tiny variants in your genes that cause them to function differently from the norm.
These SNPs can indicate unique traits, such as the type of foods you metabolize better, possible nutritional deficiencies, low energy, slow metabolism, difficulty concentrating, and more. We then pair you with the ingredients, nutritional recommendations, and fitness strategies that show to be effective for people with your particular genetic makeup.
When you participate with LifeDNA, you’ll receive genetic reports that will unlock the keys to:
- the best nutrition & fitness combination to get maximum results
- your intelligence, personality, body, and more
- an optimized lifestyle – how your daily routine can be optimized for your unique genetic makeup.
With my DNA test and hook-up to LifeDNA, this has been an exciting life-changing experience! I now know why training for and running a marathon actually caused me to gain weight. And why lifting weights is a better exercise for me than some other exercises. There is so much more to this fascinating science than what I’m able to explain. I highly recommend that you listen to my interview with Cyril himself.
Take advantage of this special offer
Cyril has also generously offered SavingsAngel fans a discount of 30% off when you use the coupon code ANGEL at checkout.
Go to and enter PROMO CODE: ANGEL for a whopping 30% off!
It is so well worth the little that you’ll spend for a wealth of information to help you live the best life possible!