Josh Elledge Fox 35 – as seen on TV + Free coupon database, free money-saving podcast, free how-to videos and so much more at – Coupon TV segment deals each week to cut your grocery bill in half!
Nice Brand Grade A Large Eggs One Dozen (limit 4)
Retail: $2.99
Sale: $1.49
Use this coupon: .25 on 1 (Limit 1 Not Valued)
SavingsAngel price: $1.49
You SAVED $1.50
That’s a savings of 50%
Ocean Spray Singles 15.2-16 oz. Plus deposit where required. (Must buy 2)
Retail: $1.87
Sale: $1.50
Use this coupon: $3 on 2 (ECB Limit 1)
SavingsAngel price: FREE
You SAVED $1.87
That’s a savings of 100%
Chinet Square Classic White Dinner Plates or Dessert Plates 6 3/8 or 9 1/2 in, Cut Crystal Plastic Plates 7 in or Cups 9 or 14 oz Tumblers 8 to 35 ct (B1G1F)
Retail: $3.19
Sale: $1.59
Use this coupon: $1 when you sign up OR $1 on 1
SavingsAngel price: $0.59
You SAVED $2.60
That’s a savings of 82%
Innovasian Cuisine Entree Kit or Side Dish Family Size 18 oz. Assorted varieties. (B1G1F)
Retail: $5.99
Sale: $2.99
Use this coupon: $1.50 on 1
SavingsAngel price: $1.49
You SAVED $4.50
That’s a savings of 75%
Perhaps I can help you with a healthier and more cost effective alternative to bottled soda?:
Get carbonated water:
Publix Soft Drinks 2 liter bottle. Assorted varieties. (B1G1F)
Retail: $0.99
Sale: $0.49
Use this coupon:
SavingsAngel price: $0.49
You SAVED $0.50
That’s a savings of 51%
3.5 (20 oz) bottles in a 2-liter (.14 per serving)
Add a smaller amount of…
Mio Liquid Water Enhancer 1.62 oz. Select varieties. (B1G1F or Build your own bogo item)
Retail: $3.79
Sale: $1.89
Use this coupon:
SavingsAngel price: $1.89
You SAVED $1.90
That’s a savings of 50%
18 servings in a Mio (.10 per serving)
This is much more cost effective than buying a daily bottle of soda @ the register. .24 vs. 1.50 for a bottle at the register / soda machine.
Do you drink 2 bottles a day?:
The difference in your wallet is $90 vs. $14.40 a month if you go the soda water/Mio route!
That’s a savings of $75 monthly! Don’t miss these BOGO deals!
Bottom line. Josh Elledge Fox 35 says if you must drink soda, avoid individual single servings! Buy in larger quantities – or better yet, get the 2-liter on sale and use a glass. Your wallet will thank you!
More info on how carbonated water is healthier than a Coke (diet OR regular):
If you want to learn from Josh Elledge Fox 35 and get deals like this all the time – make sure you use our free coupon database and upgrade this week to Enlightened Shopping and save $200 THIS MONTH!