Josh Elledge Fox 35 Orlando Coupon deals

Josh Elledge Fox 35
Josh Elledge Fox 35 – as seen on TV in Florida Orlando Tampa Miami Jacksonville Florida Albertsons, Aldi, CVS, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Kmart, Publix, Super Target, Walgreens, Walmart, Winn Dixie and MORE


Josh Elledge Fox 35 – as seen on TV + Free coupon database, free money-saving podcast, free how-to videos and so much more at  – Coupon TV segment deals each week to cut your grocery bill in half!

If you want to learn from Josh Elledge Fox 35 – make sure you use our free coupon database and upgrade this week to Enlightened Shopping and save $200 THIS MONTH!

Nice Brand Grade A Large Eggs One Dozen (limit 4)
Retail: $2.99
Sale: $1.49
Use this coupon: .25 on 1 (Limit 1 Not Valued)
SavingsAngel price: $1.49
You SAVED $1.50
That’s a savings of 50%


Ocean Spray Singles 15.2-16 oz. Plus deposit where required. (Must buy 2)
Retail: $1.87
Sale: $1.50
Use this coupon: $3 on 2 (ECB Limit 1)
SavingsAngel price: FREE
You SAVED $1.87
That’s a savings of 100%


Chinet Square Classic White Dinner Plates or Dessert Plates 6 3/8 or 9 1/2 in, Cut Crystal Plastic Plates 7 in or Cups 9 or 14 oz Tumblers 8 to 35 ct (B1G1F)
Retail: $3.19
Sale: $1.59
Use this coupon: $1 when you sign up OR $1 on 1
SavingsAngel price: $0.59
You SAVED $2.60
That’s a savings of 82%


Innovasian Cuisine Entree Kit or Side Dish Family Size 18 oz. Assorted varieties. (B1G1F)
Retail: $5.99
Sale: $2.99
Use this coupon: $1.50 on 1
SavingsAngel price: $1.49
You SAVED $4.50
That’s a savings of 75%


Perhaps I can help you with a healthier and more cost effective alternative to bottled soda?:

  1. Get carbonated water:

Publix Soft Drinks 2 liter bottle. Assorted varieties. (B1G1F)
Retail: $0.99
Sale: $0.49
Use this coupon:
SavingsAngel price: $0.49
You SAVED $0.50
That’s a savings of 51%


3.5 (20 oz) bottles in a 2-liter (.14 per serving)


  1. Add a smaller amount of…


Mio Liquid Water Enhancer 1.62 oz. Select varieties. (B1G1F or Build your own bogo item)
Retail: $3.79
Sale: $1.89
Use this coupon:
SavingsAngel price: $1.89
You SAVED $1.90
That’s a savings of 50%


18 servings in a Mio (.10 per serving)


This is much more cost effective than buying a daily bottle of soda @ the register. .24 vs. 1.50 for a bottle at the register / soda machine.


Do you drink 2 bottles a day?:

The difference in your wallet is $90 vs. $14.40 a month if you go the soda water/Mio route!

That’s a savings of $75 monthly! Don’t miss these BOGO deals!


Bottom line. Josh Elledge Fox 35 says if you must drink soda, avoid individual single servings! Buy in larger quantities – or better yet, get the 2-liter on sale and use a glass. Your wallet will thank you!


More info on how carbonated water is healthier than a Coke (diet OR regular):


If you want to learn from Josh Elledge Fox 35 and get deals like this all the time  – make sure you use our free coupon database and upgrade this week to Enlightened Shopping and save $200 THIS MONTH!


Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


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