Interesting Ways for Teens to Earn Money

Interesting Ways for Teens to Earn Money

Many teens enjoy picking up a job in the summer or on the weekends to earn some cash. Whether they want to earn extra money to save for college or a car, or they just want to find a way to keep busy, teens have a lot of summer and weekend job options. The typical teen jobs in retail shops and restaurants are perfectly fine, but they may not be a good fit for your teen.

If that’s the case, here are some interesting ways for teens to earn money:

1. Teach a skill. If your teen is particularly gifted with a certain skill set, they can teach that skill to others. Music lessons, swimming lessons, and tutoring are all options if your teen has the proper training.

Research how much to charge for lessons by asking other professionals in the area, or you can search online for suggested pricing. Generally, the more skills and experience your teen has, the more they can charge. Advertise among your community to get in-person clients. Your teen may also be able to teach their skills as part of an online platform.

2. Sell online. Selling products and services online is the perfect job for teens who crave flexibility and independence. Creative teens can craft items to sell on sites like Etsy, or they can come up with a unique service to offer on a platform like Fiverr.

After doing some research on how to find valuable secondhand items for very little money, your teen might take to selling those items on a site like eBay. Just make sure your teen learns how to stand out on these platforms to actually attract customers and make a profit.

3. Sign up for Swagbucks. Your teen can earn points on Swagbucks for doing things they might already be doing anyway. Searching the internet, playing games, and taking surveys all earn your teen points on Swagbucks.

Then, they can redeem those points for PayPal cash or gift cards to their favorite stores. This is a great option if your teen is busy and only has a few minutes to earn money.

4. Plan a car wash. Help your teen gather buckets, soap, sponges, and other car washing supplies. Make sure to advertise the car wash in your neighborhood, church, and other community organizations. Posting signs around the neighborhood the day of the car wash can also help bring in more customers. If the first car wash goes well, your teen can make this a weekly event to continue earning money.

5. Start their own business. If your teen is particularly creative and self motivated, they could succeed greatly in starting their own business. Some business ideas could be cleaning houses, walking dogs, lawn mowing and landscaping, or babysitting.

To maximize their earnings, your teen should take this business seriously and behave as professionally as possible. Advertise among the community with professional-looking fliers. Your teen can even order business cards with their contact information. With a little creativity and ingenuity, the sky’s the limit.

Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


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