If You Want to Save 75% This Week on Groceries Catch These Deals


Save 75 % on these 7 deals from allergy relief to jelly beans. If you want some 1-stop shopping this week, Target has 5 of out of 7 of these deals!

Get these 7 great bargains and more from the SavingsAngel Enlightened Shopping match-ups:

Extreme couponing deals at Aldi, CVS, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Kmart, RiteAid, Target, Walgreens, Walmart
Extreme couponing deals at Aldi, CVS, Dollar youGeneral, Family Dollar, Kmart, RiteAid, Target, Walgreens, Walmart

Fresh Guard by Efferdent
. . . . FREE
Nasacort Allergy Relief
. . . . $2.00
Anacin. . . . $2.99

Quilted Northern. . . . $6.04
Kelloggs Cereal. . . . $1.33
Starburst Jelly Beans. . . . $1.30
Market Pantry Chicken Breasts. . . . $4.75


Cut your grocery bill in half

The coupons referenced below are found either online (click the link!) or in your nearest larger-city newspaper. The date follows the publication name – which lets you know where to find the referenced coupon! To learn more about how to get and use the coupons below, click the logo above to visit our website.


Fresh Guard by Efferdent Soak 24 ct or Wipes 20 ct
Retail: $7.99
Use this coupon:.75 efferdent.comOR$1 on 1 coupons.comAND$5 on 1 (+Up Reward Limit 2)AND$2 on 1 (April Video Values Limit 1)
SavingsAngel price: FREE +$0.01
You SAVED$7.99
That’s a savings of

Nasacort Nasal Allergy Relief Spray(No Rainchecks)
Retail: $12.99
Use this coupon:$5 on 1 (RP 2/9 Limit 1)OR$2 on 1 (RP 3/2 Limit 1)OR$2 on 1 (RP 3/16 Limit 1)OR$5 on 1 facebook.comAND$10 Gift Card wyb 2 Select Allergy Items (Given at Register)
SavingsAngel price: $2.00
You SAVED$10.99
That’s a savings of

Anacin 300 ct

Retail: $16.99
Use this coupon:$2 on 1 coupons.comOR$2 on 1 load2card (Limit 1)AND$4 on 1 (Pain Relief +Up Reward Limit 2)

SavingsAngel price: $2.99
You SAVED$14.00
That’s a savings of

Quilted Northern Bath Tissue Double Roll 30 pk(No Rainchecks)

Retail: $18.99
Use this coupon:$1.50 on 1 PrintableOR.45 on 1 quiltednorthern.comOR.45 on 1 quiltednorthern.comAND15% Off TargetCartwheel.com (Limit 4)AND.50 on 1 target.com (Limit 1)AND$10 Gift Card wyb 2 Select Bath Tissue (Given at Register)
SavingsAngel price: $6.04
You SAVED$12.95
That’s a savings of

Kelloggs Cereal 11-18.7 oz. Selected varieties. Pictured in ad Frosted Flakes or Froot Loops.(Limit 20 wyb 6)

Retail: $3.99
Use this coupon:$1 on 3 kelloggsfamilyrewards.com (Limit 4)OR$1 on 3 (RP 3/2 Limit 4)ANDB1G1F (Instantly at Register)
SavingsAngel price: $1.33
You SAVED$2.66
That’s a savings of

Starburst Candy Jelly Beans 14 oz. Selected others.

Retail: $2.99
Use this coupon:$1 on 2 (RP 3/23)AND10% Off TargetCartwheel.com (Limit 4)AND10% Off TargetCartwheel.com (Limit 4)
SavingsAngel price: $1.30
You SAVED$1.69
That’s a savings of

Market Pantry Frozen Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 2.5 lb bag

Retail: $9.99
Use this coupon:$1 on 1 target.com (Limit 1)AND5% Off TargetCartwheel.com (Limit 4)
SavingsAngel price: $4.75
You SAVED$5.24
That’s a savings of

This should be your total cost for this shopping trip:$18.41
(Not including any applicable taxes and money due from store incentives or rebates)
Which means you saved a total of$55.52!
That’s a75%Savings!

Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel, SavingsAngel.comĀ®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of SavingsAngel.comĀ®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with SavingsAngel.com, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!

READ MY FULL BIO HERE: https://savingsangel.com/josh

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