How To Earn More in 2019 With The Millionaire Recruiter!

How To Earn More in 2019 With The Millionaire Recruiter!

Since the beginning of SavingsAngel, we’ve always been all about empowering people to improve their lives. One key way we’ve encouraged that – a pillar of the SavingsAngel philosophy – is Earn More!

But how do you earn more if you’re stuck in a job where advancement is slow or you’re hindered by a salary? No matter how hard you work or how many extra hours you put in, you don’t really earn more. Perhaps you need to consider a new career or a viable side hustle.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Brianna Rooney, aka The Millionaire Recruiter. I’ve known and worked with Brianna for well over a year, helping her gain visibility for her business and take her message of financial freedom through the fast-paced career of recruiting to the people.

And now, I want to introduce her to our SavingsAngel fans. Here’s a bit about Brianna and about how recruiting might be the right career change for you!

Could recruiting be the right career for you?

Brianna is the founder of She’s spent more than 10 years working in the extremely competitive Bay Area market (California) as a tech recruiter. And even in that tight market, she works less than 32 hours a week and takes time off frequently. All while still earning 6 figures.

Before you get discouraged, let me tell you that you don’t have to actually understand everything about technology or be a technician to recruit in the tech field. (Or any other field.) You’re not doing the job yourself. You’re finding the right person to do the job. Brianna calls it “matchmaking”. 

After years of success, both personally and with those she’s trained and mentored, Brianna realized she could share her knowledge outside her office. She successfully helps others start lucrative, fulfilling careers, which betters the recruiting industry as a whole.

The Millionaire Recruiter e-Course

So in late 2018, Brianna launched her special Millionaire Recruiter e-Course. Whether you’ve been a recruiter for years or are considering joining the industry, her course will show how it’s done.

Brianna’s course is real, with excellent videos that show her making actual, live business calls. Much of it is unscripted. Why? Because Brianna’s goal is not to sell you more info or coaching later on, like many e-Courses. Her goal is to teach you what you need to know. This includes a personalized session with either Brianna herself or one of her top recruiters, and help you start a legitimate career.

With the excellent training her e-Course offers, recruiters can start making money within their first month. They’ll also be able to enjoy the freedom that comes with a career in the industry.  How great is that?

To learn more, I recommend Brianna’s short book, The Millionaire Recruiter: Get Rich With No Experience. It’s a quick introduction into the world of recruiting. In her book, readers can learn how Brianna found success in recruiting. And how recruiting differs from the typical corporate job. 

Once you read the book and decide to go after a career in recruiting, The Millionaire Recruiter e-Course is the next step.

Here’s to a new career or side hustle to earn more in 2019!

Want more savings? Check these out! 

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Written by Josh Elledge - Chief Executive Angel

Josh Elledge Consumer Savings Expert and Founder/Chief Executive Angel,®

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help Americans save money and time so they can give. He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of®, which was created to bolster the buying power of the average U.S. family by combining technology, coupons and smart thinking for extreme savings on household consumables and everyday items.

Through his work with, Elledge has emerged as one of the nation's leading experts on consumer savings appearing in the media more than 2,000 times!


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Refresh Your Savings in the New Year

josh elledge savingsangel podcast

234 – Let’s Make a Plan to Protect Our Families, Pay Off Debt, and Make a Big Splash in 2019!