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You’ll help score financial wellness and abundance for your whole company!
As an employer, your employees’ financial stress leads to
- Absenteeism
- Work time wasted
- Turnover
- Garnishments
- Health issues
- Resentment over compensation issues
This leads to
- Higher payroll and HR costs
- Lower Profits
- A bad work environment
Money Stress is costing your company… BIG TIME!
Met Life’s recent 9th Annual Study of Employee Benefit Trends reported that 53 percent of employees are concerned about having enough money to make ends meet with 40 percent claiming to live paycheck to paycheck and 30 percent admitting trouble paying their bills.
According to the Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation, only 24% of employees experience good to very high financial well-being. The rest? They have money stress and that has an expensive impact on the workplace. The costs of absenteeism, decreased productivity, turnover, garnishments, and physical health are exceptional. The study of of the impact of service members’ money problems is staggering. Bad money choices cost the DoD (and tax payers) nearly a billion dollars a year. Money problems are not unique to service members.
According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 83 percent of human resource professionals indicate that personal financial challenges affect overall employee performance.
The problem is the accumulation of bad choices that your employees make in their personal spending. It’s kinda not their fault. Most people don’t seek out financial teachers and mentors.The consequence is learning from powerful marketers on how they should spend their money – which almost always leads to financial stress.
As an employer, you have the opportunity to solve this problem.
The best place to cure your employees’ financial stress is in the workplace. A financial wellness plan is a critical component to caring for the whole soul of your employee.
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Financial Wellness could be your missing ingredient:
- Helping your employees achieve financial fitness
- Poll Identifies Need for Employee Financial Education
Financial wellness is a growing trend
Twenty-eight percent of organizations offered one-on-one financial advice, 24% offered online advice and 22% offered in-group or classroom financial advice.
Many more excellent resources / news stories and studies here:
Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation
In a recent survey conducted by the Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation with the support of the Employee Benefits News,91% of respondents cited employee financial literacy as being extremely important or important in reducing the vulnerability of the American economy to major economic crises. Given the recession employers were asked whether they noticed an increase in garnishments – 51% said yes, emergency loans – 42% said yes, and 34% have seen an increase in requests for more time off to handle financial issues. In addition to these results, 70% thought that the employer provision of basic workplace financial education is important or extremely important to the overall level of productivity in their organization and a majority (53%) thought employers who pass benefit costs on to their employees have a responsibility to provide ongoing financial education to help them make appropriate financial decisions.
SavingsAngel.com teaches Financial Wellness in the workplace: in-person and via the web.
Prior to SavingsAngel.com, there have been NO solutions that focus on Employees’ day to day spending needs. All existing financial wellness programs focus on financial literacy in terms of investing for the future with only general advice on how to get out of debt.
Want to see a financially stressed employee “tune out?” Start talking to him or her about why they ought to save for retirement.
You can teach financial literacy until you’re blue in the face. If you don’t help your employee get more money out of their budget, you are faced with very real and very expensive problems.
The SavingsAngel solution is not beans and rice, selling the family car, become an extreme couponer or encouraging employees to take a second job deliver pizzas at night. It’s living smarter in all areas of life related to their finances. Beyond tips in frugality, it’s about the skills necessary to always look for and attract the best outcome with their money.
- We’re going to go through every line item in their budget and teach them effective strategies for saving 10-40% across the board on almost everything they spend their money on.
- We’ll show them how to get easy upgrades on everything and teach them how to increase their personal productivity and reduce stress while encouraging a healthy work/life balance.
- We teach strategies that no other consumer expert teaches – because we focus on the mindset and personality traits that a financially successful person employs.
We’ve researched what works and what doesn’t work for the busiest of employees since 2007.
The solution for busy people is not to be extreme in any one area. It’s about being informed in all areas with small changes across the board. Cumulatively, we’re talking about a 10-40% savings on every line item in a budget.
We’ll show them how to get easy upgrades on everything and teach them how to increase their personal productivity and reduce stress while encouraging a healthy work/life balance.
We teach strategies that no other consumer expert teaches – because we focus on the mindset and personality traits that a financially successful person employs.
Imagine the impact of offering your employees a 10%-40% pay raise across the board?
Here is how you can solve this problem right now:
Hire Josh Elledge as your company’s next speaker.
As a national media figure for nearly eight years, Josh has taught millions the principles of financial wellness. A 30 to 60 minute workshop with Josh can create real and lasting change in your workplace. Use the contact form and Josh will start being in service to you and your employees. Not only will he serve as a dynamic and engaging speaker, he will share the resources you need to ensure that your employees know they are cared for in the workplace. Together, we can help reduce money stress amongst your teams. More about Josh
Contact Josh below.
Offer a 90 Days to Abundance eCourse program for your company.
Your employees can participate on their mobile or tablet device – or at their computer at their leisure – or as scheduled. It’s up to you. The course is designed to encourage completion and success with badges and points. You will receive notification of your employees’ completion and we recommend offering incentives for successfully completing the program.
In 90 days, you will see better performance and will have earned a large return on investment for your company. ROI statistics for financial wellness programs are well known at 3 to 7 times investment. Offering the program virtually can be supplemented with in-person or virtual training. Contact us below so we can produce less absenteeism, more productivity, reduce turnover, garnishments, and help improve your employees’ financial and physical health.
Contact Josh below.
SavingsAngel has offered our solutions through employers and organizations from smaller than 10 to over 20,000 employees.Herman Miller and Spectrum Health are among those whom we’ve enjoyed partnering with.
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We’re ready to create a successful financial wellness campaign with you.
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