Of all the work that I do, my favorite work is helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. I have a real passion for teaching and mentoring – and I love helping create success stories.
I’ve had a history of mentoring successful business owners and helping them become Internet and media superstars.
I’ve been able to generate many millions of dollars in free advertising for my company, SavingsAngel.com. As a result, we’ve been able to help millions of readers and viewers significantly cut their grocery bill. I grew a husband and wife basement operation into a company employing as many as 60 men and women at one time – serving many thousands of members.
If you are an aspiring or established business owner, I want to create this same success for you.
For business coaching and consulting, I have just a few slots available. One is already VERY full. I can take on two new clients over the next couple months.
In addition to coaching, I can also do some pretty awesome things to help you get exposure for your new business.