Get ‘Extreme Couponing’ deals without the extreme lifestyle!
This week, we show you how to get:
Soft Soap . . . . $0.74
Schick . . . . $1.99
Coffee Mate . . . . $0.95
Campbells . . . . $0.44
Fiber One . . . . $1.45
Cut your grocery bill in half!
The coupons referenced below are found either online (click the link!) or in your nearest larger-city newspaper. The date follows the publication name – which lets you know where to find the referenced coupon! To learn more about how to get and use the coupons below, click the logo above to visit our website.
Softsoap Body Wash 15-18 oz
Retail: $4.49
Sale: $3.49
Use this coupon: .75 on 1 (SS 9/22 Limit 4) AND $2 on 1 (Store Coupon Limit 1)
SavingsAngel price: $0.74
You SAVED $3.75
That’s a savings of 84%
Schick Intuition or Quattro Womens Razor System or Cartridges 3 or 4 pk
Retail: $10.99
Sale: $8.99
Use this coupon: Womens: $4 on 1 smartsource.com AND $3 on 1 (Register Rewards Limit 1)
SavingsAngel price: $1.99
You SAVED $9.00
That’s a savings of 82%
Coffee Mate Refrigerated 16 oz (wyb 2 or $1.79 each)
Retail: $3.49
Sale: $1.50
Use this coupon: .55 coffee-mate.com
SavingsAngel price: $0.95
You SAVED $2.54
That’s a savings of 73%
Campbells Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup 10.75 oz. All other Campbells condensed soups on sale. (wyb 5)
Retail: $1.09
Sale: $0.73
Use this coupon: $1 on 5 campbellskitchen.com AND 15% Off TargetCartwheel.com (Limit 4)
SavingsAngel price: $0.44
You SAVED $3.25
That’s a savings of 60%
General Mills Fiber One Bars or Brownies 5-10 pk. Select varieties. (wyb 2 or $2.79 each)
Retail: $3.49
Sale: $2.50
Use this coupon: $1.10 on 2 bettycrocker.com OR .50 on 1 everydaysaver.com OR .50 on 1 coupons.com AND $1 on 2 (Walgreens September Coupon Book)
SavingsAngel price: $1.45
You SAVED $4.08
That’s a savings of 58%
Quantities have been adjusted to reflect total savings!
This should be your total cost for this shopping trip: $8.78
(Not including any applicable taxes and money due from store incentives or rebates)
Which means you saved a total of $22.62!
That’s a 72% Savings!