Get ‘Extreme Couponing’ deals without the extreme lifestyle!
This week, we show you how to get:
Chicken of the Sea . . . . $0.29
AXE . . . . $1.55
Dawn . . . . $0.49
Hormel . . . . $0.72
Dixie . . . . $1.50
Cut your grocery bill in half!
The coupons referenced below are found either online (click the link!) or in your nearest larger-city newspaper. The date follows the publication name – which lets you know where to find the referenced coupon! To learn more about how to get and use the coupons below, click the logo above to visit our website.
Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna 5 oz or Sardines 3.75 oz (Limit 3)
Retail: $1.69
Sale: $0.79
Use this coupon: .50 Facebook.com AND (Store Coupon)
SavingsAngel price: $0.29
You SAVED $1.40
That’s a savings of 83%
AXE Mens Shower Gel 16 oz. Excludes clearance items. (wyb 3 )
Retail: $6.99
Sale: $4.33
Use this coupon: B2G1F $5.99 max (RP Unilever 1/27 Limit 2) AND $4 on 3 (AXE ECB Limit 1)
SavingsAngel price: $1.55
You SAVED $5.44
That’s a savings of 78%
Dawn Dish Detergent 9-10.3 oz (Limit 5)
Retail: $1.79
Sale: $0.99
Use this coupon: $1 on 2 (P&G 1/27 Limit 4)
SavingsAngel price: $0.49
You SAVED $1.30
That’s a savings of 73%
Hormel Chili 10.5 or 15 oz (Online Ad)
Retail: $2.29
Sale: $0.99
Use this coupon: .55 on 2 hormel.com OR .55 on 2 Coupons.com
SavingsAngel price: $0.72
You SAVED $1.57
That’s a savings of 69%
Dixie Napkins 180 pk (B1G1F)
Retail: $3.99
Sale: $2.00
Use this coupon: $1 on 2 Coupons.com
SavingsAngel price: $1.50
You SAVED $2.49
That’s a savings of 62%